33 Email Newsletter Content Ideas to Increase Your Readership
Published 3 August 2020 by Miles in Digital Marketing
As marketers, we can often get stuck for ideas and inspiration when it comes to email newsletter content. If you aren’t careful and considered, you could end up with the world’s most boring newsletter. I mean, who wants to read all about your products in every issue, besides you and possibly your family?
OK, that’s not true, your family are being polite; they don’t want to read email newsletter content that only ever talks about how great your company and products are, either. Sorry to break it to you, however it is the truth.
When we talk about email marketing, there are two super important metrics that we should focus on. That is open rates, and readership/engagement rates (such as click rates, shares, etc). The latter is all in the hands of the content with a small dash of design. A layout rarely encourages a click through, as much as having great content. If you want an engaged readership, growing click through rates and subscribers to share your newsletter, it has to be valuable to your ideal customer.
The great thing about modern email newsletter marketing and newsletter systems, is they allow you to A/B test your email marketing campaigns and newsletters, and to learn what your readers are clicking on and reading. You can use this information to help form future issues of your newsletter, to increase the engagement and audience readership further.
A great email newsletter editor knows to always be trying out new content and new topic ideas, to see what resonates most with their readers. To help with that inspiration, I’ve collated 33 email newsletter content ideas that are applicable for most organisations and their email marketing.
So, without any further introduction, here are 33 killer ideas for future email newsletter content.
33 email newsletter content ideas
In no particular order, here are a collection of hand-picked email newsletter topics that work with most audiences.
Unexpected ways to use your product
Is there an unusual way you have heard people using your product or service? That could be worth a write up on its own. As long as it’s safe as well as interesting to the general readership, that is.
Favourite TED talks
There are a multitude of inspiring and motivating talks available for free at any time, over on the TED website. Why not share some favourites with your readers?
Not for profit or charity focus
Why not research local charities you care about, and dedicate some email newsletter content in every issue, to raising awareness they exist? The organisation will certainly appreciate it, and you may find they get a few much needed donations as a result.
Product updates
If you have a product which is frequently updating, or have a new range of stock in, consider highlighting that in your next issue. Even just choosing one feature to focus on, when it comes to software or digital products, can make a big difference to uptake rates.

Product update mention in Spotify for Artists newsletter.
Weird facts
Everyone loves a weird fact. For example, this list of weird facts mentions the first feature film in the world, was shot here in Australia in 1906. It was The Story of the Kelly Gang.
Employee focus
Our businesses are the sum of our people. How about focus on one of your team within each issue, and discuss who they are as a person, as well as their role and successes. This makes interesting email newsletter content with a personal focus.
Interesting links
Rather than anything industry or brand related, why not ask your team for suggestions on interesting websites? People love discovering the wonderful or weird. For example, long form articles on press freedom may be what your readers enjoy.
Company milestones
Do you have a business or product anniversary coming up? Is there a special date related to your brand, fast approaching? Add these dates into your calendar so you don’t ignore them, and make sure to take an opportunity to reflect on these company milestones. Write something about it, and celebrate with your readership.
Most clicked
One email newsletter I receive, actually shares their most clicked link from the last issue, again. This is an interesting way to share something that the audience obviously finds valuable, and in a subconscious way, also illustrate to your readers that you are paying attention and trying to provide the most valuable email newsletter content that you can.
Media mentions
Have you or the brand had any media coverage in the last short while? Use your email newsletter content to thank the writers and link directly to the online copies (if available). Your customers enjoy seeing you in the spotlight.
What the team is reading/listening to
We find that every time we share details about our team’s current books or podcast loves, that content is very well received. Many of us are always after new content producer suggestions. Share a list with your subscribers.
Customer focus
Why not take some time and focus on a customer or supplier, and who they are and what they do? Think of this email newsletter content as a virtual conference introduction. By sharing their story with your readers, you may bring them further customers, which is always appreciated.
Start a survey
Want to get your audience feedback on some burning issue or topics? Maybe use one of the many available online survey systems to create a short survey and ask your readers? You could offer a small prize or offer to share the results with the participants. This could help drive further email newsletter content in the future too.
Solve a problem
Link to an article that helps solve a problem your target customer may have. For example, say you offer legal help to small businesses. Linking to an article on “how to market your small business for free” helps them, and provides valuable content that isn’t you-centric.

Problem solving link from Australian Software Guide newsletter.
Founding stories
People always love an interesting ‘How did your business start?’ story. Most I have ever heard have been interesting, it’s never boring. Why not share the story with your email subscribers?
Industry trends or news
What is happening within your industry? Has technology changes how you work over the last decade? Write some of this in a blog post, or better yet, make a few predictions for the year ahead, and review them in 12 months’ time.
Inspiring quotes
There are more inspirational quotes than people, I’m sure. Yet they are popular because they’re good! Find an inspiring quote, especially a lesser known one, and include it as a break between longer content. To help, here’s an article with 300 motivational quotes alone. That list will take some time to exhaust, if you use one quote in each issue!
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Social focus
What does your organisation do for the community? Rather than a brag piece, write it in a way to inspire other businesses and people to do the same. The more of us that chip in a do small social gestures, the better the world would be. Mention a charity you support, or volunteering that some of the team do, that sort of thing.
Upcoming events
An events calendar of important industry or business events is always well regarded email newsletter content. This shouldn’t be just your events, but rather a more comprehensive list of interesting event. If your audience is global, maybe focus on online events, or if it is city based, you can cover family and tourism events as well.
Reader content
Ask your readers for their own content suggestions. Perhaps a customer can share tips from their perspective. For example, maybe you have an accountant in your audience, who may be keen on writing a short article about tax deductions; if that interests your general audience, of course. This also encourages readers to be active and engaged with your email newsletter.
Frequently asked questions
Find yourself or your team regularly answering the same thing? Perhaps it is time to write a few of them up as an article? This way, it provides interesting content as well as something to point customers to in the future.
Movie or music reviews
Why not ask your employees to take turns writing a short review on a recent movie or album they have purchased? As long as it is family friendly, or at least customer friendly, then it’s safe to share. At the Bam Creative office, we always have Spotify playing in the background. In our case, we could share playlists that we enjoy (This playlist from Café Del Mar is what I am listening to, as I write this article).
Most popular posts for the year/quarter/month
If you have a high traffic blog, then perhaps using Google Analytics to find your top five or ten blog posts by readership for a specific period. You can then include a short ‘chart’ or quick write up about them in your next issue. This is a good way to highlight your content marketing efforts and provide new readership opportunities back to your blog.

Popular post and creator mentions, email newsletter from The Odyssey.
If there’s a subtle (emphasis on subtle) way to include a testimonial for your business, then go for it. Make sure it doesn’t read like advertorial though; we all hate that. A good way to do this is a succinct case study, where you mention what you solved for the customer, before sharing their quote.
Link exchange
If you have colleagues or friends who also own businesses, perhaps approach them and ask if they want to participate in a reciprocal link exchange? That is, you give them some short content and a link to put in their email newsletter, and they do the same with yours. It’s a fantastic way to find a new audience, and who knows, you may share a few customers soon as a result!
Ask for referrals
Maybe try asking for a referral, or create some incentive. For example, everyone who refers a new customer this month gets a free $50 voucher, or goes in the draw to win a prize pack. You could even team up with other businesses in your area or industry, to offer a prize pack with a number of gifts, and share the exposure this brings.
Helpful tips and hints
Maybe there are things your customers should be doing with your product or service, which you often forget to mention? An email newsletter is the perfect place to share these details, your readers will appreciate it. You could even go broader, and just give general advice and tips that relate back to your audiences interests.
Humorous images
Your audience are all people, and people enjoy a good laugh. There are a number of sites that allow you to download a cartoon or meme image to share freely with your audience. A small interruption to the usual content to encourage a chuckle can’t hurt anyone (just be sure to make it family friendly, to not offend anyone!).
Product focus
If you have a wide range of products that you sell, perhaps choose one lesser known one and share some information about it? Liquor stores and book shops are very good at unearthing products in this way; look to your local for inspiration.
Social post
A good way to encourage subscribers to follow your social accounts, is to share a recent and engaging social post you made. This could be a link to a LinkedIn post, or even a funny TikTok your team made, that sort of thing.
Recent statistics
Publishing statistics about your industry, services or products is a great way to illustrate something, as well as help paint a very interesting picture about the industry or company in detail. You can even use a graph maker or ask your designer to create a series of nicely designed visuals to back up the statistics.

Statistics in recent issue of RealEstate.com.au newsletter.
Gift guide
Do you have an interesting shopping day or event approaching? Think Easter, Christmas, Eid, Hanukkah, etc. Are there typical gifts that are exchanged? Share a gift guide and link to online retailers or your own inventory.
Interesting podcasts
There’s a podcast for just about every topic. Find an inspiring or helpful podcast that would be useful or interesting to your target audience, and share a link or even a list of them. There’s always plenty of business podcasts to choose from, if you are B2B, and thousands to choose from if your audience are consumers.
Recruitment opportunities
If you have any positions open, an email newsletter subscriber may be your perfect employee – or perhaps they know someone who could be? Add a job ad, or a link to your online job ads to your newsletter, and see if your next great hire is on your mailing list.
In Summary
Done well, a monthly or even weekly email newsletter can be something your readers look forward to seeing in their inboxes, and will take time out of their busy schedules to read and consume. It all boils down to have great email newsletter content that speaks directly to them and their interests and needs.
I trust there’s a few in the list above that you can try. Watch your email open and click rates, and learn what your audience wants over time, and remember to constantly be testing your email marketing.